The Compromising One : This one is spoken when you don't really see your fault but also don't want to spoil your relationship with the affected person.
The Leave-me-alone : You can't handle the stress of the situation and just want to get out of it by saying this magical word.
The Martyr's Sorry : You say sorry but nowhere you acknowledge that it was your fault. You just say it as if you took all the blame, oblivious of the real cause of it. You still think that the other person was responsible and it'll make you a hero (sort of martyr) in your own eyes by saying sorry. While the affected person person believes that you really are sorry.
The Good Old Sorry : This one comes straight from the heart. You'll accept your mistake and will feel heart wrenching pain because your ego finally accepts that it's possessor was wrong but you'll feel completely liberated afterwards.
The Sarcastic One : You say sorry sarcastically to the other person to make him realize that it was in fact he/she who was wrong.
The Gentleman's Sorry : Used casually for petty mistakes. The cause wasn't of much importance as was your saying sorry. Eg. Stepping on someone's foot or pushing him by mistake. Saying it makes you feel like a gentleman.

True Utkarsh. Very thoughty of you! Liked your piece! Keep it up, writer!
eventually....... its sorry that makes everything fine