From the time you were born, Till the time now. How many things are in your brain? How many are required by you now? Starting from ABCD, To complex algebraic sums. All are in the brain neurons. It might not only be studies, But even those unnecessary events, Be the matter of your ex, Or any teacher's hardcore punishment. It would be awesome to have, A delete button in brain, Where we can select and remove, Whatever was unwanted, And could always be fresh minded. The recycle bin needed to have, A lot of space, Restore button would be there, But would be of no or less use, Only if mistaken it would be used. Old people would not suffer with memory loss, The world would have more positivity, As thinking of revenge would be reduced. Positivity everywhere, If all husbands could control their wives memories, And even all wives could get a chance to delete conversations from husbands brain, Even more if students could delete teachers announcement of class test, And the poor marks from parents brain. The hidden point is, We would be happier if we forget others mistakes, Move ahead with a positive feeling, Grab the next opportunity and keep moving, Keep a calm and cool mind, And always move with a smile, Spreading a warm love for others, Praying for a positive world where all can fly with feathers.
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If we could just delete the extreme negative emotions, feelings, would've been better. ❣️❣️ Beautifully written.