City lights burn my eyes from inside,
I dream in incandescence, neons hurt;
Men and man made contentment alike.
Walking on concrete streets, I think...
Oh what a vibrant manifestation the City is,
Of separate Universes in separate brains.
Confidence and vanity in some,
And fading residues of thin hope in others...
The city, a collection of lives, of desires!
How I wish to navigate the trail, the halo;
Of the Omnipotent, stretched to infinity.
My knees are failing me but not my heart,
Wanting what it wants, it wants more;
And I keep walking mocking fatigue in the face.
An enigmatic inertia, my heart madly desires;
A continuum of certain moments, blame it,
But it wants me to write on and on, forever.
An oceanic oneness, I am looking for
Some threshold of grand suspension,
In zero, in infinite nothingness for eternity;
No hate, no love, no home, no City...
I want absolute freedom from all strings,
The clutches of closure; free fall to the point,
Where I don't understand desire anymore.
I don't understand WANT anymore...
I dream in incandescence,
I want to live in incandescence...