A voice I heard and followed it's path ;
To meet and see the face behind it ,
Became now my quest ;
As if , it was something ,
Which would end maybe, my self conquest !
I walked all alone the path, with just a few faces ,
Who walked along with me for a while .
The journey now seemed as if,
It was about the length of river 'nile' .
Finally at one point I reached a place,
Which appeared to be the place ,
Where the speaker was hiding .
But , to my amusement ,
The place was empty with,
Just something left which was shining .
I went towards it and with dismay ,
Took a glance at it ;
The reflection of mirror showed the place,
Where the person was actually hiding .
Thus ,my conquest found it's end ;
As actually the voice was my own conscience ,
And the magician was never,
Away from my sight .
The hope that someone was waiting for me ,
Was thus, a fallacy ,
As in reality, nobody was ever waiting ;
Nobody was, ever in hiding .
~~~~ FreelancerPoet
#youareenough #beyourownstrength #selfhelp #believeinyourself #motivation
Great imagination 👏👏