National Poetry Writing Month has arrived and we at WissenMonk Community Look forward to celebrate the month through some beautiful poetic conversations. So be a part of the celebration from the day 1 and have best of the poetic experiences. What are we doing for the celebration? We are doing what we do best, and that is writing poems in different genres and themes. We will put forward themes for each day throughout the month and your poetic personality will join words into a poem that revolve around the particular theme for the day. And do not forget to put the hashtag #NaPoWriMo when you post your themed poem on our community website. Also post the same on Instagram with the hashtag tagging and mentioning @wissenmonk. We would love to feature you on our Instagram story
And how the celebration end after a beautiful poetic month? It ends with compiling all these poetic work into a book of hope.
We will compile the work of the NaPoWriMo beautiful poetry of the month into an anthology.
And for the passionate poets who manage to post each day with the themes, will have his/her solo poetry compilation book published after the month.
So what stopping your poetic soul from being a part of this wonderful literary celebration?
Day 21 of NaPoWriMo brings you the theme of "PEACE"

So join in the celebration and get the inks flowing.