That 25th was the day, when the same scenery was brought by the nature again. The wind was in constant speed and the clouds were about to blast; the leaves were falling and the waters were about to flow out and lastly the pollen's of flowers scattered everywhere to mesmerize the surrounding as like earlier. The boy came and sat on the sledge and lost in the memories of his beloved as like when they met for the first time.
SHE came that day in black frock and sat beside him. He didn't notice her. And suddenly, the whole sky turned black with thunders. Suddenly with the deep instinct he felt that his safety can only be found in the nonchalant arms of the girl that sat beside him. He asked if she could protect him in her arms. With the pleasant smile she hugged and protected him till the thundering was stopped. When everything got normal, both of them saw each other for a while. He recognized her thick black eyes and thin lips, the hairs and even the hold of her as like his beloved.
He was about to asked her name but she directly replied, " Since I have met him, I didn't tell name to him and so I don't say my name to anyone."
Immediately, she went back in a car and so he couldn't say her anything. However fortunately, he took a picture of her when she had looked back at him for a second. He knew that she was his love of life for whom he had waited these long days and night.
He wanted to know her; where she lives; what she does; when will she come here again and all the questions were revolving around in his mind. And there was no answer of any of his questions but he remembered the lady whom he helped and she was the only who can help him to find her out. He took out the phone number of the lady which she had given it to him. He rang her and said everything about him and his life and asked her if she could find out the girl. He had sent her the picture of the girl which had been taken in the park and when she saw the picture of the girl, she was shock as it was her own daughter.

It is not my story but a boy of versatile for me PINKU KONWAR
We want more❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is not the last chapter, is it? There's more, right?