Book review: The Monk who sold his Ferrari
Somewhere, have we lost our life? 21st century globalized world with illusion of people. How much of us grasps insight the books though we trend as bibliophile?
From the lakhs of people who read books, thousands are those who knows it's basic idea from that only hundreds somehow understand the inner concepts, now more counting down we will get only a few that truly believe it. "It’s not what you will get out of the books that are so enriching, it is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life.” lines from the fictional book 'The Monk who sold his Farrari' by Robin Sharma, reviewing this book is a great pleasure to encourage the mass with the marvelous ideas of living alive. At the inception of the book there is a line "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" denotes that the reader have to be keened within itself to gain the ubiquitous knowledge then path of perseverance is acquired gently. The book attached a promise between the characters Julian Mantle and the John, also implies to the readers to share the words of honour to more other needy persons. Living in the tumultuous world today, this book lays out the strategies of brimful living with the seven indubitable lessons if one follows it with the true heart. Self love by investing on ourselves, boundaries are limited by us, conceptualizing the purpose of life with service, spiritual development of mind, opportunities are determined by us are some sententious crux of the book which bounds me to earmark the book again and again.
But everything can't be flawless somewhere there will be stumbling blocks that pulls it behind. "Life doesn’t always give you what you ask for, but it always give you what you need." Is it? What is the need of a beggar, a simple earning family, or the bourgeoisie what they want? If the society has pubbing boys it also has clubbing men who can look after the societal tensions like: the poor elders at the old-aged homes, orphanage, cancer patients and many more but what happens is the greed that drags people and avert their heart from the selfless services to the selfish trail. Following up the 21-days rule always can't be applicable as dealing with the nuts and bolts of digitized globe, everyone can't follow the exact rules as provided in the book. Though the book inspire to the thorough corner of one's life but some of its considerations on certain extremity can't be approved.
The backstory behind the sequence of lessons reveals in the last chapters that tempts me to embolden proletariat and youth to peruse it for once. What is reality is illusion and what is illusion is reality - the naked true of today's life. We carry a lot of burdens, oppression, remorse, anxious thoughts, loathe and what not but what makes us humane is the humongous tranquility of love, kindness and devotion to the service of others. Finally to end up with a line again from the book, "Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is." The possibilities and rectifying the drawbacks will help the upcoming generation to evolve from every spheres of life. Therefore, the book is the worth one to read.