One lush green carpet the Earth lays on
Masking the dirt laden cover of brown
With each sunrise, I transcend it
As the distant star paints the horizon
with its distinct shade of orange and red hues,
Its soft, gentle rays strikes on my face,
Scattered by the leaves of ever-changing color
Not letting the tall trees hinder it's slanting path
Filling me with its warmth of embrace.
Evoking in me the sense of belonging.
For here in nature lies my home
There I see and chase the butterfly
Flapping and fluttering against the wind
It's lustrous wings with striking symmetry and unique patterns.
Leaving behind a trail of yellow dust
In a futile effort I try to follow,
Hoping to catch it between my palms.
I find my way through the wild grass
Coated with glistening dewdrops
feeling every tender leaf
With my bare feet ,
Gently stepping on it ,
As the moisture seeps in ,
Quenching my eternal thirst.
Waking me up from a slumber so deep.
Filling me with newly found frevour and zeal.
From there I move on,
Tracing the path that leads to long forgotten home
I remember so distinctly
Its roof made of vast and clear blue sky.
Holding forever a promise of hope,
of endless possibilities.
The place where gentle breeze blows
As it tingles the back of my ears
I feel it within my soft curls.
The touch of green leaves brushing against me,
And the tall branches spreading its arms
To welcome me with a shower of
bright, beautiful flowers
Its lavish, exotic shades of yellow, pink and purple.
I pick one up as a memoir of my visit.
My eyes wander off following the gentle melody of early birds chirping
Marvel it has to be,
a language of their own
I wonder what they talk about
Whom do they sing the love songs?
Dissolving in the aroma of sweet morning flowers,
I forget for a while the warm dusty pavements,
And the smell of smoke and rotting garbage.
So far from it, I feel happy.
Alive when away from the grey tall buildings.
I hear the stream down the road
Splashing the water against the rocks
Its south flowing currents calling my name
I head down the empty path free from the hustle of mechanical men.
Here at early hours, they do not intrude.
Dipping my feet into the stream
I think of pleasant things, happy memories.
Taking my mind off the constantly running thoughts.
Oh an escape, one sweet distraction
Here I find myself breathing the air of relief .
As I live right in the moment
Not burdened by guilt of past or worries of future .