Shakespeare's highland lass never knew he wrote about her.
Neither did the road know it was Frost.
Shall I name me among the greatest or shall I remain unknown to you?
Like them, shall you not know me and what I stand for.
But shall you read me and wonder, who am I?
In a world of rejected sadness,
Shall I endure the dark mindfulness.
On a night, as cold as tonight,
Shall you the one reading me, answer me with all your might.
Is it happiness that brings love or love that brings happiness?
If not happy, can we love and if not love can there be happiness?
Is love really there or just a mere thought of a fragile mind?
Do I make sense, or on a night, loveless,
I am seeking a lover.
Since when has existence been synonymous to love?
The breeze from the ocean, brings me into a world.
A world of sad people, looking for love.
Or is it happiness?
Or is it love?
This shall only end, with my end.
Regards, Neha Bharali 🌻
(Remember me at dawn)